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Dr. Regina Banks-Hall

Dr. Regina Banks-Hall is the founder and CEO of RBH Professional Development Institute, an organization focused on helping individuals and organizations through leadership training and coaching.   RBH Professional Development Institute provides power lunches, workshops, mastermind classes, seminars, keynote presentations, and lunch and learns, for corporations and individuals. 

Some of our workshops include: Leadership development workshops, team building workshops, mastermind classes on personal growth, vision board workshops, teen leadership, women in leadership workshops, and small business workshops.  

RBH Professional Development also provides publishing services for organizations and individuals through RBH Professional Publishing.   RBH Professional Publishing, a division of RBH Professional Development Institute, helps firms and individuals promote their books and periodicals, through all major publishing channels.  As the owner of Regina’s All-Star Apparel & Accessories, an online promotional product company, Dr. Banks-Hall helps organizations utilize promotional products for marketing, team building and customer appreciation.

Books By Dr. Regina Banks-Hall

Recent Appearances/Events

Date Venue Address
Date: March 24, 2021
6:00pm - 7:30pm
Venue: Vision Board Workshop Address: Virtual
Notes: Vision Building 2021